Friday, July 24, 2015

Angela Abstracted

Angela Abstracted.  Watercolor.
6 x 7.5 inches.
Every once in a while, I get a chance to stop by +Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center for their open sessions.  It's a nominal cost, and it's good practice for forcing myself to paint what's actually in front of me.  (I don't typically do that, but the mental exercise, I think, makes me a better painter....)  I met Nancy Gamon there--she's got some of her current work up in her Etsy shop--go check her out. It's nice to go with a friendly face since I don't know anyone, and although, everyone's very nice, they're very good artists and it gets a wee bit intimidating.

Anyhow, I take three watercolors (in this case phthalo blue rs, quin pink, and nickel azo yellow), a brush, a towel, and a traveling palette--about the material I'd have if I was painting plein air.

The power was out!  If you live in Cincinnati, you've probably noticed the rain and storms....and, well, the power was out.  They relocated the model so there was a lot of natural light, and then rolled right into long poses.

For me, a long pose, is an excruciatingly long time to paint one piece.  Whew.  Have to work on that.

Here's my favorite of the two pieces I did that visit.

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