Thursday, October 4, 2012

Painting En Plein Air

The last few weeks have been absolutely beautiful, and my plan was to go outside and paint.  I wanted to visit Winton Woods, and capture the fall colors reflected in the lake.  But, I found I couldn't park close enough to see the lake without hauling my gear.  And, boy, did I have a lot of junk to haul.  Here is what I was carrying yesterday:

--palatte (large)
--brushes (about 10)
--paper towels
--a drawing box
--reference photos
--medium spray bottle
--watercolor crayons

Plus, as a bonus, I had a camp chair, a table, my ipod, a camera, car keys, and phone.  My goal for next week will be to stream line my bag!

I found a nice little picnic area, and did a small painting (11.5 x 7.3 inches) alla prima in about 45 minutes.  Sentinels. 

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