I got a package from Cheap Joe's yesterday, which included seven new tubes of paint from Daniel Smith. Three were replacements for tubes I've exhausted (manganese blue hue, burnt umber, and hansa yellow medium), and four were new colors (all quinacridones--burnt scarlet, deep gold, pink, and red). If you're an artist, you may find yourself collecting something........come on, now, confess--what's kicking around in your art supply closet?
Daniel Smith is far and away my favorite paint brand. Everyone has their own preferences--people recommend Holbein or Winsor & Newton. It's a matter of experimentation to find your preference and then crossing your fingers that the paint company doesn't change their formulations or reorganize. Daniel Smith is reorganizing. Over the last few months their paints became available through other companies (like Cheap Joes), and they are clearing out all their non-core stock. My fingers are crossed that there paint will stay consistent..
When I was testing my new colors, I did a bunch of little paintings--I was just mucking about. Here's one I kind of like--it's very small, and I like the intensity of the colors.

This is all confounded by the fact that I don't want to waste paint, and would rather use up the paint on my palette before I reorganize....Never mind that I'm using two John Pike palettes, and neither one has all the well's filled. If I was a wee bit selective, I ought to be able to get down to one!
I'll get it sorted.